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What is a credit and how is it counted?
What is a credit and how is it counted?

Find out how search and verification credits are counted in your usage.

Updated over a year ago

In Hunter, your usage is measured with credits.ย 

Two credit quotas are included in every plan:

  • Searches: used to find emails.

  • Verifications: used to verify emails.

Credits are counted as follows:

  • 1 search credit is counted from 1 to 10 email addresses found per domain with a Domain Search.

  • 1 search credit is counted for every email found with the Email Finder. A verification is already included at no extra cost.

  • 1 verification credit is counted for each email processed in the Email Verifier (except for Unknown and Disposable emails that are skipped).

  • Our Bulk tasks will always provide the number of credits needed to process a CSV or Txt file before downloading the file. Credits will be counted based on the same criteria applied for the Domain Search, Email Finder, and Email Verifier.

  • The same logic applies when counting the number of requests associated with an API call.

No credits are counted if Hunter cannot provide an email.

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