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Bulk Domain Search

Finding emails from a list of companies or domains

Updated over a week ago

The Bulk Domain Search lets you enter a list of domains or company names, and download a list of email addresses associated with these domains.

Please note the Bulk Domain Search is available with all Hunter's paid plans.

In this article, you will learn how to:

How to upload a list of domains or companies

To use the Bulk Domain Search, you will need to have a list of domain names or company names ready. This list can be in a file (CSV, Excel, Numbers or TXT file), or you can simply copy and paste your list directly into Hunter.

To get started, go to the Bulk section of your account, click on Domain Search, and create a New bulk. Enter a unique name for your bulk task, and select your type of input. If your file contains website URLs, select Domain names.

When your data is in a file, make sure the domains or company names are in a single column:

Choose the file from your computer, or drag-and-drop the file directly on the page. Alternatively,  you can also copy and paste a list of domains or companies in the text area:

You can process at most 25,000 domains or company names in a single bulk.

Click Upload, and after your bulk has been processed, Download the full list.

How to read your result file

The results can be downloaded in a CSV file. CSV files can be opened with all major spreadsheet software, such as Excel, Google Sheets and Numbers. The file has several columns; let’s have a look at them together:

  1. Email address: the email address found in Hunter

  2. Domain name: the domain associated with that email address

  3. Organization: the company name

  4. Confidence score: an indicator of the estimated deliverability of the email (in %).

  5. Type: the email type will be personal if it's associated with a specific person, and generic otherwise.

  6. Number of sources: the number of sources where you can find that email address on the public web.

  7. Pattern: the most common pattern used for the domain's personal emails.

The file will also contain additional information for every email address, when available:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Department

  • Position

  • Twitter handle

  • LinkedIn URL

  • Telephone number

  • Input (the domain or company name provided)

How to apply filters and options

In the filters and options section, you’ll be able to:

  1. Set a maximum number of email addresses per domain or company name: enter the maximum amount of email addresses you want to get for a single domain. The lowest number of emails is 1 per domain, and the highest is 100 emails.

  2. Decide if you want to verify the email addresses or not. The option to verify email addresses is only available when you set a maximum number of emails found per domain to 10 or less.

  3. Choose if you want to only get generic, personal email addresses, or both. A personal email address is an address associated with a specific person at the company, such as "". A generic email address is an address associated with a role or function at the company, such as "".

  4. Select the departments you want to find email addresses for and set a filter strength (only or in priority). If Only is selected, the filter will be strictly applied and no email address will be returned if no emails match the departments you selected. If in priority is selected, the matching email addresses will be returned in priority (based on the department order), but other email addresses could also be returned if not enough emails match the selected departments.

  5. Include the email sources in the results. If this option is checked, the URLs of the sources will be included in additional columns. Only the active sources where the email address can still be found are returned.

More download options

How to filter the resulted emails by validity

If you choose to verify the email addresses, you will have the option to download only the valid email addresses, or all email addresses, including those that could not be verified.

How to download domains that didn't output emails

You can also download the list of domains that we could not find emails for, as a CSV file.

How to import the results as leads

You can directly import your results as Leads and save them in a dedicated list of leads, so you can later edit or use them in the Campaigns section.

After processing a Bulk Domain Search, simply click the "Import" button and follow the guided process.

Browsing your uploaded tasks

We have the following actions you can perform:

  • Filter: It's possible to filter your Bulks by ''team member''. This allows you to select to see only the bulks created by you or other specific team members.

  • Sort: you can sort through your uploaded tasks by Bulk title, Status, and Created.

  • Search: the ability to search by a specific bulk task

  • Rename: the ability to rename your bulk task

  • Delete: you can now access a dropdown for each uploaded task. Through the dropdown, you can delete the task if it hasn’t been downloaded (this is possible with the Pending, Ready, or No Result statuses).

  • Archive: you can archive it if it's been previously downloaded, and unarchive it.

  • All Archived files can be accessed from the tabbed navigation Archived.

  • View history: Anytime you download, archive, restore or rename a bulk task, they will be recorded in the history log:

To sum things up

The Bulk Domain Search functionality can be used with any paid plan.

You can input your list of domains or companies in the following two ways:

  • Upload a CSV file.

  • Copy and paste a list of domains or company names.

The following information can be found in a Bulk Domain Search:

  • The creation date.

  • The number of email addresses returned.

  • The number of domains analyzed.

  • The number of credits this search requires.

If you use company names, make sure to use the correct format for them: you will need to remove additional characters such as LLC, brackets, and slashes, that are not allowing Hunter to extract the correct company name. A good company name is "Company" and not "Company Ltd".

Bulk Domain Search Usage

You will see an error message in case your plan doesn't have enough credits available to perform the task.

The list of email addresses of a Bulk Domain Search can be downloaded multiple times. Only the first download will cost credits.

Limit: Each Bulk Domain Search is limited to 25,000 domains (or company names), and the file should not be over 10 Mb to avoid timeouts.

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