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Bulk Email Finder

Find emails from a list of name and companies or domains

Updated over a week ago

The Bulk Email Finder functionality lets you find multiple email addresses from a list of names and companies or domains.

In this article, you will learn how to:

Upload a list of names and companies

👉 To start a new Bulk Email Finder:

  1. Go to the Bulks page.

  2. Click on Email Finder.

  3. Select + New bulk and name your bulk.

  • Upload your file

You will need a CSV or TXT file containing the first and last names of your professional contacts and the company or domain name they work for. These names can be in two separate columns (first and last name) or one single column (full name). Please make sure to remove the middle names.

In the Upload section of the Bulk Email Finder, you can drag and drop your file or click on Select a file to pick your file from your computer.

If your list is in an Excel or other type of spreadsheet file, you can export the results as a CSV so that it can be imported into Hunter. Your file should have commas or semicolons as delimiters.

To see an example of a file you can upload, click here or download the one you'll find on the Bulk page.

  • Advanced options

You can check the option Include sources in the results. The URLs of the sources will be included in additional columns. Only the active sources where the email address can still be found are returned.

By default, the option Skip rows already containing an email address is selected. If some of your rows already have emails, they will be skipped over and Hunter won't try to find an email address for it. If you would like to disable this option, simply unselect the checkbox.

  • Finish the configuration

After you click on Upload, you will need to match the columns in your file with the fields in the drop-down menus. If your file has a header row, make sure the checkbox The first row is for headers is checked.

To validate the file, you will need to make sure that you have matched the first name and last name (or full name), and the company or domain.

Click on Validate to start the processing. This step can take a few minutes up to a couple of hours, depending on the number of lines you have in your file.

Bulk Email Finder upload limits

You can find up to 50,000 email addresses per file, depending on your plan and the number of unpaid bulk tasks processed. Any additional rows will be skipped.

The total number of unpaid rows you can process across different bulk uploads depends on your plan:

  • Free plan or Starter plan - max 2,500 unpaid rows

  • Growth monthly - max 25K unpaid rows

  • Growth yearly, Business and Enterprise - max 50K unpaid rows

We'll inform you about how many email addresses you can find, based on your plan and the number of unpaid rows in different bulk tasks, before launching the bulk:

If the file contains more rows than allowed, the system will simply process the bulk using the first rows that match the allowed number without interrupting the bulk process.

Download and understand your results

The emails found will automatically be validated by Hunter. Once your file is processed, you will be able to see how many emails were found, and an overview of your results according to the validity of the emails:

  • Valid: emails that are safe to use.

  • Accept all: emails that accept all emails sent to them and therefore can't be verified (learn more about Accept all emails here).

  • Unknown: Hunter could not determine the validity of the email.

  • Not found: no emails could be found. (learn more about why we can't return results here).

In the Download in CSV section, you will have the option to download all the email addresses found, or only those that have been verified as valid.

💡 Search credits will be only used for emails that are downloaded.

How to read your Email Finder file

The downloaded CSV file will contain all original columns from your file as well as additional result columns, provided by Hunter. Let’s have a look at them together:

  1. Email: This is the email address found by Hunter.

  2. Score: An indicator of the deliverability of the email (in %).

  3. Verification status: It indicates if the email is valid, accept all, or invalid. Learn more about it here.

When available, the file will also contain additional information for every email address:

  • Position

  • Twitter URL

  • LinkedIn URL

  • Phone number

  • Company

Import Bulk Email Finder results as leads

Emails resulting from the Bulk Email Finder can also be imported as Leads in a few steps.

After processing a Bulk Email Finder click the Import button in the Import as leads section.

Choose the destination list of Leads or create a new list, and click on Import.

Hunter will process the import and add the leads resulting from the Bulk Email Finder to the selected list of leads.

Browsing your uploaded tasks

You can perform the following actions from the Bulk Email Finder section:

  • Filter: It's possible to filter your Bulks by Team member. This allows you to select to see only the bulks created by you or other specific team members.

  • Sort: you can sort through your uploaded tasks by Bulk title, Status, and Created.

  • Search: the ability to search by a specific bulk task

By clicking on the bulk task and opening it, you can perform some specific actions on the bulk. Simply click on the arrow beside the bulk title to open a dropdown menu:

  • Rename: the ability to rename your bulk task

  • View history: Anytime you download, archive, restore or rename a bulk task, it will be recorded in the history log.

  • Archive: you can archive it if it's been previously downloaded, and unarchive it. All Archived files can be accessed from the tabbed navigation Archived.

  • Delete: you can delete the task if it hasn’t been downloaded (this is possible with the Pending, Ready, or No Result statuses).

Best practices to ensure the highest accuracy

The Bulk Email Finder functionality relies on the data provided in the CSV file, so to ensure the best data quality, there are some guidelines to follow:

  1. Check that all required fields are completed and do not mix domains with company names. Simply choose a method and apply it to the whole document.

  2. If you use full names, ensure that middle names are removed and that you only keep the first and last names.

  3. Make sure your file does not contain empty cells for the required fields.

  4. When using company names, make sure to remove additional characters such as LLC, brackets, or slashes that are not allowing Hunter to extract the correct company name. A good company name is "Company" and not "Company Ltd".

  5. Use domains when possible instead of company names as this will guarantee the best performances in Hunter.

To sum things up

The Bulk Email Finder functionality helps you find the email address of a specific professional. It only requires the first and last name and the website or domain of the person you are looking for.

Here are a few tips for a better Bulk Email Finder experience

  1. It's recommended to use the domain name instead of the company name.

  2. Make sure to avoid using special characters as they may be deleted from the file.

  3. Your file should be at most 10 Mb to avoid timeouts.

  4. You can find up to 50,000 email addresses per file based on your plan and the number of unpaid bulks you processed. Additional rows will be skipped.

  5. You can process a maximum of unpaid rows in different bulk uploads based on your plan:

    • Free plan or Starter plan - 2,500 unpaid rows

    • Growth monthly - 25K unpaid Rows

    • Growth yearly, Business and Enterprise - 50K unpaid row

If the file contains more rows than allowed, the system will simply process the bulk using the first rows that match the allowed number without interrupting the bulk process.

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