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Bulk Email Verifier

Verify a list of professional emails at once

Updated over a week ago

The Bulk Email Verifier lets you verify the deliverability of multiple email addresses at the same time.

In this article, you will learn how to:

How to launch a Bulk Email Verifier

To get started with the Bulk Email Verifier:

  1. Go to the Bulk section of your account.

  2. Click on Email Verifier.

  3. Select + New bulk.

  4. Pick a name for your list so you can find it easily later on.

You will now have two options to import your list of emails: you can either upload a file, or copy and paste the list directly in Hunter:

  • Option 1: Upload a file

Make sure to create a TXT or CSV file containing all the email addresses you want to verify. This file should have one column with one email address per line.

If your file has more than one column, Hunter will automatically detect the column containing the emails. However, this could lead to some problems if the file contains several columns with email addresses.

To upload your file:

  1. Click Select a file.

  2. Choose the .csv or .txt file you want to use for the email verification.

You can also drag and drop your file directly on the webpage.

  • Option 2: Copy and paste a list of email addresses

You can also directly copy and paste a list of email addresses into the text box. Make sure to enter only one address per line or to separate the emails with a comma.

💡Duplicated emails in the same bulk will only be verified once to prevent additional verifications from being used to verify the same email.

How credits are counted

We charge one Verification credit for each verified email. However, no credits are deducted for Unknown emails, as these couldn't be verified due to various factors.

You can upload a different number of emails based on your available Verification credits. Before you start a bulk verification, we'll let you know how many emails can be processed based on your plan. Emails will only be verified based on the Verification credits and Credits over quota you have available, any additional rows will be skipped.

👉 For example:

If you upload a file with 1,800 rows on a Starter plan that includes 1,000 verifications per month + 1000 Verification Credits over quota:

  • If you have 1,000 credits + 1000 over-quota credits and haven't used any yet, the entire file will be processed.

  • If 500 regular credits have already been used, you’ll have a total of 1,500 remaining, so only 1,500 rows will be processed. This includes Credits over quota usage.

  • If all 1,000 regular credits have been used, only 1000 rows will be processed using your over-quota credits.

Before launching the bulk, we'll let you know how many verification credits are needed to verify the emails on your list.

How to download and understand your results

Click the Upload button to process your file. The verification may take up to a few hours, depending on the number of emails in the file.

After your emails have been verified, you will see an overview of the results:

  • Valid: the email can safely be used.

  • Accept all: the email server has the policy to accept all email addresses, which prevents us from finding out if a mailbox is set up for this address. There is a chance that the email could bounce (More on Accept all emails here).

  • Invalid: the email cannot be used as it would bounce back.

  • Unknown: something is preventing us from knowing the verification status, such as a block or a time-out on the email server side. There is a chance that the email could bounce.

  • Disposable: the email is temporary and should not be used. It has not been verified.

Click the Download button to download your list to a CSV file. You can either download all the email addresses or only the valid ones.

The CSV file contains several columns. If you uploaded a file, the results columns will be added at the end of your output file.

Let’s have a look at the columns together:


The email address you provided.


An email address can be valid, accept all, invalid, unknown, webmail, or disposable.

The meaning of each of these statuses is detailed in the section above.


Whether the email has a valid email format or not.


This check ensures the address doesn't look like a random email address. For example, will return FALSE.


Shows if the email address has a domain name used for temporary email addresses.


We verify if the email address uses a webmail like Gmail or Yahoo.


We check if there are MX records on the domain. An MX (Mail Exchange) record is used to tell which mail server accepts incoming emails.

If there are no MX records, the email address can't receive emails.


This check is successful (TRUE) if we are able to connect to the SMTP server (indicated by the MX records).


We test the email address and see if it bounces or not.


We check if the server has a catch-all policy that accepts all the email addresses.


This check is true if the SMTP server prevented us from performing the SMTP check.


It’s the overall verification score of the email address.

Browsing your uploaded tasks

We have the following actions you can perform:

  • Filter: It's possible to filter your Bulks by ''team member''. This allows you to select to see only the bulks created by you or other specific team members.

  • Sort: you can sort through your uploaded tasks by Bulk title, Status, and Created.

  • Search: the ability to search by a specific bulk task.

You can also perform some actions inside each bulk task, click on it to enter and then select the small arrow beside the bulk task title:

  • Rename: the ability to rename your bulk task

  • View history: Anytime you download, archive, restore or rename a bulk task, they will be recorded in the history log:

  • Archive: you can archive it if it's been previously downloaded, and unarchive it. All Archived files can be accessed from the tabbed navigation Archived.

  • Delete: you will have the option to delete the task if it hasn’t been downloaded (this is possible with the Pending, Ready, or No Result statuses).

To sum things up

The Bulk Email Verifier service performs multiple checks on an email address to verify its deliverability:

First, it validates the format and ensures it isn’t a temporary address or webmail. Then, the system contacts the mail server (without sending any emails) to ensure there is indeed an email inbox for the requested address.

It's possible to verify both professional emails and webmail addresses (,, etc.).


  • The maximum verification allowance for a single domain in one day is determined by the number of verification credits included in your plan. For example, with the Starter plan, you can verify up to 1,000 emails from the same domain in a single day.

  • There is no daily limit on the number of webmails that can be verified.

  • The file should not be over 10 Mb to avoid timeouts.

  • Each file can contain at most the following rows; any additional emails will be skipped:

    • 100,000 email addresses in Enterprise and Business plans

    • 50,000 emails for Starter and Growth plans

    • 50 emails on a Free plan

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