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Zapier integration
Updated over 9 months ago

We offer a free Zapier integration that allows connecting Hunter with over 5,000 tools.

There are 2 main ways to use Zapier to connect Hunter to another application:

1. Triggers

Triggers are events in Hunter that will trigger the zap. You can use the information associated with these events to then perform an action in another app, such as saving a lead to a CRM. There are 4 triggers you can use:

  • New Lead

  • New Campaign

  • Email read

  • Email replied

2. Actions

An action is something that you do with your Hunter account, such as finding an email or saving a lead in your Hunter account. When you use actions, the zap trigger will come from the other app you want to integrate with. For instance, you could add a recipient to a campaign when a row is added in Google Sheets. There are 5 actions you can use:

  • Find Email

  • Verify Email

  • Count Email

  • Create lead

  • Create recipient

On our integration page on Zapier's website, you will find some recommended apps to connect and some pre-built zaps.

This tutorial will go over 4 common use cases:

Prerequisites: to follow along this tutorial, you will need to have a Zapier account.

Make a Zap with Hunter triggers

As mentioned above, triggers are events that happen on your Hunter account that will set off your zap. This is useful to update another application automatically. Some potential ways to use triggers would be to update the lead status in a CRM when a Hunter campaign email is replied to or read, or to add a contact to a CRM when a new Hunter lead is created.

There are many ways to use the triggers, but we will see here one case study in more detail.

Case study: Save new Hunter leads to Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

  • While connected to your Zapier account, go to the very bottom of the Hunter integration page and click on the "New Lead" trigger.

  • Click the Sign in to Hunter button (if you've already connected Hunter to Zapier, you can skip this step and the next).

  • Enter your Hunter API key in the text box. Find your personal API key in the API section of your dashboard. Click on Yes, continue.

  • Select your newly connected account from the dropdown menu and click on Continue.

  • Make sure to have some recent leads saved in your lists. When you are ready hit the Test trigger button.

  • Zapier will now allow you to review all the information related to the imported lead. Click the Continue button to proceed.

  • Click on the + button to add a second step to your Zap.

  • Select the Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM app event.

  • Choose the Create Lead action event and click on Continue.

  • Sign in to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM account. If you need help with this step, you can have a look at this Zapier help article.

  • For each relevant Dynamics 365 CRM lead information, choose the corresponding data from Hunter.

  • Test your zap, and when it is ready, turn the Zap on.

Make a Zap with Hunter actions

An action is an event done by your zap that will modify your Hunter account. In this case, the trigger will come from another application, and the zap can for instance create a lead or a recipient directly to your Hunter account, or find and verify an email address.

Please note that the Find Email search will cost search credits on your Hunter account, while the Verify Email search will cost verification credits.

Case study: Add a recipient to a Hunter campaign when there is a new Google Sheets row

In order to add a recipient to a campaign with some attributes (such as the first name, company name, etc.) that you can use in the Campaign content, you will need to create a multi-step zap with two Hunter actions. The first action will be to create the Hunter lead with the attributes, and the second action will be to create the recipient in a campaign.

  • On your Zapier dashboard, start by selecting Google Sheets as the first app and Hunter as the second app. Then choose the New spreadsheet Row trigger and the Create Lead action.

  • Click on Use Zap and connect your Google Sheets account. If you need help with this step, you can have a look at this Zapier help article.

  • Select your spreadsheet (this is the Google Sheets file) and your worksheet (this is the tab inside of your Google Sheets file). Click on Continue.

  • Test your trigger, making sure it retrieves the data associated with the last row in your file (you'll need to add some test data in Google Sheets if you don't have any). Click on Continue.

  • For the second zap step, make sure the app is Hunter and the action event is Create Lead. Click on Continue.

  • Click the Sign in to Hunter button (if you've already connected Hunter to Zapier, you can skip this step and the next).

  • Enter your Hunter API key in the text box. Find your personal API key in the API section of your dashboard. Click on Yes, continue.

  • Select your newly connected account from the dropdown menu and click on Continue.

  • Match all the relevant Hunter lead attributes to the corresponding data from Google Sheets. Click on Continue.

  • Test your action and click on the "+" button below to add a third step to the Zap.

  • In between the two Hunter actions, you will need to add a Zapier delay in order for the lead information to be fully saved in Hunter before the recipient is added. Otherwise, not all the attribute information may be linked to the campaign.

  • Select the Delay for action event, and set up a delay of 1 minute.

  • Add a new step, select Hunter as the app, and Create recipient as the action event. Continue to the next step and select your Hunter account.

  • In the Set up action step, choose a Hunter Campaign (it must already exist) and fetch the email from the first or second step of your Zap.

  • You can now test your zap and turn it on.

Please note that if your campaign is already active, new emails could be sent out immediately after the recipient is added to the campaign.

Case study: Find the email address of a new Hubspot contact

In order to find the email address of a Hubspot contact, you will need a multi-step Zap that will trigger when your Hubspot contact is created. You'll then have a step that finds the email through Hunter, and finally, a step that updates the Hubspot contact with the email address.

  • On your Zapier dashboard, click on Create a Zap from the top left of the page.

  • Select Hubspot as the first App Event, and the trigger event New Contact.

  • Connect your Hubspot account. You can have a look at this Zapier help article if you need any assistance.

  • In the Set up trigger section, choose the properties from your new Hubspot contact that you will need in order to find the email address. You will at least need the first and last name properties, and the website URL or the company name.

  • Test the trigger and make sure Zapier is able to retrieve a contact you recently added to Hubspot.

  • Add a new step (click on the "+" button below), choose Hunter as the app event, and Find Email as the action event. Click on Continue.

  • Click the Sign in to Hunter button (if you've already connected Hunter to Zapier, you can skip this step and the next).

  • Enter your Hunter API key in the text box. Find your personal API key in the API section of your dashboard. Click on Yes, continue.

  • Select your newly connected account from the dropdown menu and click on Continue.

  • For each field, select the corresponding Hubspot property. Click on Continue and test the action.

  • Add a third step to your Zap. Choose Hubspot as the app, and Update Contact as the action event. Continue.

  • Select your connected Hubspot account in the dropdown menu and click on Continue.

  • In the Object ID field, select the ID data from the first step of your zap.

  • Find the Email field and choose the email data from the second step of your zap.

  • Click on Continue and test your action.

  • You are now ready to turn on your Zap!

Advanced Zap with Webhooks by Zapier

In case the action or information you want to do or get is not available through Hunter integrations on Zapier, it can be possible to directly access our open API for further customization, using Webhooks by Zapier. For instance, this can allow you to save leads with custom attributes, and to use Hunter's Domain Search tool. You can also use Zapier to catch the Campaign webhooks that you've set up to track your campaigns.

Case study: Find an email address when a new domain is added to a Google Sheets row

  • On your Zapier dashboard, start by selecting Google Sheets as the first app and Webhooks by Zapier as the second app. Then choose the New spreadsheet Row trigger and the GET action.

  • Click on Use Zap and connect your Google Sheets account. If you need help with this step, you can have a look at this Zapier help article.

  • Select your spreadsheet (this is the Google Sheets file) and your worksheet (this is the tab inside of your Google Sheets file). Click on Continue.

  • Test your trigger, making sure it retrieves the data associated with the last row in your file (you'll need to add some test data in Google Sheets if you don't have any). Click on Continue.

  • In the second step, make sure that the app Webhooks by Zapier is selected, with the GET action.

  • To set up the GET action, you will need to have a look at our API documentation on the domain search. Start by entering the base URL, and enter the relevant query string parameters below. You will at least need the api_key parameter (you can find your secret API key here), and either the domain or company parameter. You can also use the limit parameter to only get the first email found. You'll see more parameters in our API documentation that you can use to further customize the request based on your specific needs.

  • Test the step and ensure you have 1 email for your test domain.

  • Add a third step that will Update Spreadsheet Row of a Google Sheets.

  • Make sure your Google Sheets account is correctly connected, and select your Spreadsheet and Worksheet.

  • For the Row, to update the same row, go to the Custom tab, and from the New Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets step, select the Row Number (you might have to click on Show all options).

  • Ensure that you have a column named Email in your spreadsheet, that you can edit in the Zap. For the value, select the Data Emails Value option from the GET step.

  • Test your action.

  • You are now ready to turn on your Zap!

Case study: log all your emails sent from a campaign in Google Sheets

  • On your Zapier dashboard, select Webhooks by Zapier as the first app and Google Sheets as the second. Choose the Catch Hook trigger and the Create Spreadsheet Row action.

  • Create a Zap with these apps.

  • In the Trigger section of the Catch Hook trigger, it will ask to pick a child key. You can leave it blank and go on to the next step

  • In the Test section, you will get your webhook URL. You will need to copy this in order to set up the webhook in Hunter

  • In Hunter, create a new Campaign for testing purposes (you can put yourself as a recipient) and launch it. Go to the Intergrations step.

  • In the Webhooks section, enter the copied URL from the zap, select the event "Email Sent" and create a new webhook.

  • Emails sent after you've created this will trigger a POST request that you'll catch in Zapier. After an email has been sent, click on "Test trigger" in Zapier. Please note that it can take a couple of minutes for the POST request to be sent after the campaign email has been sent.

  • Once you've caught a test webhook, go on to the Action step.

  • Connect your Google Sheets account and select the spreadsheet and worksheet where you'd like to log the emails sent.

  • In your spreadsheet, enter headers for the data you'd like to log, such as the recipient's email, status, etc. You'll be able to fill in the information in the Zap.

  • Once you are done, test the step to ensure the data is correctly added to the worksheet.

  • To take your zap further, you could add webhooks for the other Campaign events, such as Email Replied or Email Opened.

Advanced use cases

If you need to build more advanced integrations, we suggest looking at Zapier's very thorough help center if you are stuck or if you need to troubleshoot some errors.

You can also contact us and we will be happy to help!

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