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Campaigns Engagement

An overview of the Engagement section within Campaigns

Updated over a week ago

What is the Engagement section within Campaigns?

The Engagement section within Campaigns is a section dedicated to tracking the engagement you're receiving from each recipient in each campaign.
Engagement in this case refers to a recipient:

  • Opening an email

  • Clicking a link within an email

This page is more granular than the Reporting tab or the statistics within a given campaign and has multiple ways to filter the recipients who have engaged with your content as well as multiple actions you can take using this data.
This view can be helpful when determining which recipients may be more receptive of your outreach, can give insights into what messaging is working, and can ensure you are directing your sales efforts into the most engaged segments within your ICP.

What is included in the Engagement section?

The Engagement section includes 5 displayed columns by default:

  • Recipient: Shows the full name and email of the recipient

  • Campaign: Displays the campaign associated with the engagement

  • Opens: Displays the number of opens from this recipient

  • Clicks: Displays the number of clicked links from this recipient

  • Last activity: Shows the time of last engagement activity

You can also add on 2 additional columns to the report if you'd like:

  • Email account: Displays the sender's email address

  • Team member: Displays the team member who created the campaign

These 2 additional columns are helpful when utilizing a Team workspace that shares Leads and Campaigns.

There are also 6 different values you are able to filter by in the Engagement Section:

  • Opens: You can filter recipients by how many times they have opened your campaign emails. You can choose from 3 different filtering options depending on what segment of engagement you're looking for.

  • Clicks: You can filter recipients by how many times they have clicked a link within your campaign emails. Just as with the opens filter, you will have 3 different filtering options to choose from.

  • Email accounts: You can filter recipients by which email account sent out the email. This is helpful in Team workspaces to separate different user's individual campaign engagement.

  • Team members: You can filter recipients by which Team member created the campaign. Similarly to the Email account filter, this is helpful for Team workspaces.

  • Campaigns: You can filter the recipient's engagement by campaign to differentiate overall engagement from engagement specific to a certain campaign.

  • Sent: You can filter recipient's engagement by how recently the campaign email was sent. You can choose between 3 pre-set ranges or set it to a custom range.

These filters each provide different ways to view your engagement data for different purposes. You can use them one by one, or use several at a time to refine results.

If you find yourself using the same couple of filters often or if you know you're going to need a specific configuration set up in the long term you can save and reopen these filter views in the top right of the section:

What actions can you take from the Engagement section?

From the Engagement section, you can perform 3 different actions at the group level with your recipients:

  • Add to a campaign: Add a selected group of recipients to an existing campaign. Helpful if you'd like to add recipients who have engaged with your content into a follow-up or nurture sequence.

  • Create a new campaign: Add a selected group of recipients into a new campaign. Helpful if you'd like to send timing specific content to a group of recipients who have recently engaged with you.

  • Cancel scheduled emails: Cancel all scheduled emails for a recipient or group of recipients. May be helpful if you are satisfied with the engagement from a specific campaign and you'd like to stop the recipients at that step.

At the recipient level, you can also perform 5 actions:

  • See lead profile: Pulls up a side tab of their lead profile allowing you to access their lead information, campaign information, and enable you to access their lead actions.

  • Mark as successful: You can mark the recipient as successful if the goal of the outreach has been achieved. You can learn more about the Successful status here.

  • Add to a campaign: You can add this single recipient into the campaign of your choosing.

  • Send an email: Opens a pop-up that allows you to send a single individual email to this recipient outside of the campaign(s) they are in.

  • Cancel scheduled emails: Cancels all upcoming emails for this recipient.

If you have any questions about how the Engagement section can be helpful for your use case please don't hesitate to contact us at or via our chat messenger.

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