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Domain Search

Find email addresses associated with a domain or a company

Updated over a week ago

The Domain Search allows you to find emails from a domain, company name, or website.

Type the domain name into the input box located in the dashboard. You can also enter the company name, and Hunter will provide a few possible domains you can select from.

an image of the Domain Search tool used to find emails

Hunter will automatically find all the available email addresses associated with the domain and the following information, when available:

  • Full name

  • Job title

  • Phone number (for personal emails)

  • Twitter profile

  • LinkedIn profile

In addition to these contact details linked to a specific email at the company, Hunter will also return company-wide information, such as the description of the company, various social media links, the industry, domain name information, and the technologies the website uses.

How does Hunter show sources for the emails found?

All the emails found in the Domain Search are publicly sourced from the web. Click the arrow next to the number of available sources to expand them.

All links are active and they will lead you to the specific page where Hunter found the email, along with the date the email was found.

How to apply filters to the emails found?

To apply some filters to the results of a domain, start by clicking on the "Filters" option to open the filter options bar:

Email Type

You can filter the emails by their type (generic or personal) before or after processing a Domain Search. 

  • Generic email addresses are role-based email addresses, like contact@ or support@

  • Personal email addresses are professional email addresses of people inside an organization, like


With the department filter, you can find the emails associated with one or more departments in the organization.

Filter by available information

You can also filter the emails that come with a specific piece of information only. For instance, you can get only emails that come along with a phone number, position, or full name.

💡We only return phone numbers linked to personal email addresses and not to generic emails such as info or support emails.

How to find a specific person's email?

The Domain Search also returns the most likely email pattern to identify a person. For example: {first}.{last} This pattern can help you guess the email address of someone you know who works for this company.

After performing a Domain Search, it is possible to find the email of a specific person working at that company. Click on "Find by name" and enter the First and Last Name of the person you are looking for. The email will appear along with a confidence score and a possible list of sources if it was found publicly on the web.

A screenshot of the Domain Search showing how to find a specific contact by name, by clicking on the "Find by name" button.

What is the Confidence Score?

Every email address in the Domain Search is provided with a Confidence Score. Each email address can show a colored dot or shield icon. The confidence score is calculated from various public data points we have available for the email, such as the number and quality of the public sources, and any previous verification status, among other factors.

Emails with a confidence score of 90% or higher have a high chance of being fully deliverable although a high score does not guarantee a 100% fully deliverable email. 

Providing an accurate and updated confidence score is our first priority, although we suggest running the emails that are gathered through the Email Verifier. This will give you a full deliverability report on the emails.

Some emails have been already verified with our Email Verifier and you will see a shield icon next to them. If the shield is green, this means the email was verified as valid:

How to export the email addresses found in CSV?

Users using a paid plan can export the emails found for a domain.

A screenshot of part of the Domain Search, highlighting the "Export" button, to download your results as CSV

The CSV Export preview also indicates the number of Search credits it will require to download the results:

You can also save an email and the associated contact information to a Leads list. by simply clicking on the "Save as lead" button next to each contact.

If you want to add the new lead to a specific Leads list, click the arrow next to the "Save as lead" button to open a drop-down menu. From there, you can choose an existing Leads list to save the lead or create a new one.

The "Add to a campaign" option provides you with the choice to add this lead to an existing campaign or to directly create a new campaign to add this lead to.

A screenshot of part of the Domain Search, highlighting how to add a lead to a campaign by clicking on the "Add to a campaign" button.

Once you have saved your leads, you can manage them later on, use them in Campaigns, or export them to a CSV file. You can find out more about the Leads functionality here.

Finally, you can copy a single email address by clicking on it:

How to follow a company for updates?

If you would like to, you can "follow" the company you have searched for using our Signals feature.

Signals will provide users with updates when the companies they follow receive new rounds of funding, post new job opportunities, or when new email addresses become available.

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