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How to resume sending when you receive an automatic reply to your email campaign
How to resume sending when you receive an automatic reply to your email campaign
Updated over a week ago

Unfortunately, automatic replies to campaign emails are treated the same as a real reply in Hunter. The status will move to "replied" and future emails in the campaign will be cancelled.

Because of this, there is not currently a way to resume sending after receiving an automatic reply.

As a workaround, it can be helpful for you to have a dedicated campaign of only follow-up emails. This way, if a recipient is prematurely cancelled within a campaign you can add them into this nurture sequence.

There are a few steps to set this up:

  • You can start a new campaign and copy and paste your follow-ups or use a follow-up template to fill in the steps. The initial email in this case will be your first follow-up email.

  • Since this is a new campaign these follow-up emails will not be sent in the same email thread as the initial message. If you'd like, you can copy the initial subject line you used in the original campaign or create a new follow-up specific subject line.

  • You can then add a group of Leads to the recipient list of this campaign or drop them in as you see automatic replies come through.

  • Once you're happy with your copy, you can launch the new campaign to restart the sending flow to these recipients. You can now add recipients into this campaign any time you receive an automatic reply.

This campaign can remain active long term, can be duplicated and tweaked for different campaigns, and can actively run alongside your other campaigns.

While we know this is not a perfect solution and are working to improve this functionality, this workaround will ensure no recipients fall through the cracks once you've begun your outreach.

If you have any trouble with this workflow, please don't hesitate to contact us, we'd be happy to provide more personalized instructions for your use case.

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